It’s Spring Break Time!
After 3 long years of lock down and isolation, college campuses are once again releasing the student body to take over the beaches and nightclubs of the world.
Join TPC Charters Virtual Airline in ferrying these future leaders to sun and fun. Fuel up those business jets, and send the bill to mom and dad. This is the reason they have been adding money to the college fund for 20 years. No cameras or video recording devices allowed on board.
For 2 weeks only, March 2-12, we will be focusing on a group of airports and awarding TPC points for each one you visit. We have also set up FBOs at some of the more well-known college towns in the US.
We will focus on business jets, but you are free to fly and GA or Airliner as you wish.
Florida and the Bahamas are full of airports tailored for GA and small jet traffic, and we expanded into Mexico and the Caribbean as well, for some of the larger jets and airliners.
We will kickoff this event with a special FLY-IN THURSDAY into South Beach, FL.