TPC Charters TOP GUN Award for July goes to…


TPC Charters VA is proud to present July 2024 Charters Top Gun award to Ruben | TPC8463 | SKYE with over 53 hours flown.

In addition to the respect and honors of the Charters community, Ruben’s name will be permanently etched in the Charters Hall of Fame on TPC website; he will have the distinction of being the only TPC member with the “Charters Top Gun” server role throughout the month of August; and he will be awarded 2,500 TPC points.

Please join us in congratulating Ruben with this achievement! (And then get out there and start building up your own hours for the August 2024 award).


Small favor, big impact: If you are enjoying the Club, consider a small monetary donation. It helps the Club with giveaways and developing TPC Ecosystem. Donate today! Thank you!


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